Chasing Shiva: The connection with Peripheral God & Himalayas

Coming from a Hindu family, I grew up listening to stories of the mighty Shiva, the God from Mt. Kailas in the Himalayan mountains, who was the destroyer of all suffering. He was a God who, when outraged, would open up his ‘third eye’ and cause devastation to the entire Universe. This was enough to capture my imagination. It was not hard to see him in the mountains and be lured to the ‘fairytale’ and the mysticism behind it.  … More Chasing Shiva: The connection with Peripheral God & Himalayas

5 absolutely good to know facts about Tibetan Prayer Flags

There is nothing more beautiful than watching fluttering of the colorful Tibetan Prayer Flags. For the vast majority of Tibetans, it is more than just a pretty piece of cloth. It is how they renew their hopes for the world by mounting new flags alongside the old. It is a sight that moves people, but only a few know its true drift. Let us simplify this for the benefit of our readers. Read on. … More 5 absolutely good to know facts about Tibetan Prayer Flags