Come dream on high of a Mountain

I dream of Mountains; vivid, fiery and alive, they come to me in my deepest slumber as an energetic arousal manifesting it’s will of expressing what’s been buried inside me. In psychoanalytic perspective, mountain dreams represent solving important life issues. You can take cue in interpreting what they imply.

A few Pointers.

Climbing up the mountain in a dream symbolises a steady progress towards your goal. If you are climbing a steep mountain it means you have set target for a difficult goal and so brace yourself for adversities.

Dreaming of driving on the mountain terrain is a sign of optimism. It indicates a pro active mindset looking for clarity. Be it an improvement in financial standing or a personal matter, you are determined to come out swinging.

If you are descending down the mountain with ease it means a resolution to your issues is not far away. Consider this a lucky dream that favours your success. If you see taking a fall from a cliff it is an indicator you are going to fail in your endeavour. You may have to reconsider your mindset. Maybe you underestimate yourself. Or troubled by some deep rooted fear. Take this as a clue to prepare yourself from the hit.

Visions of snow and ice in dreams points to unresolved obstacles. While seeing Snow is a favourable sign implying your mindset is positive, Ice on the other hand points to a need for evaluating your priorities and way of dealing it. It may also suggest a presence of lies and manipulation in your life.

Decoding my Dream; I dreamt to relive a grim incident I witnessed while trekking in the notorious Khatling Glacier in Garhwal Himalayas. On this day we were camping on the icefield in between Auden Col & Mayali Pass when a team of Nepali Porters, two Sherpa and two foreign Climbers can be seen moving swifty. The high altitude porters were descending fast, their pace of movement had a sense of urgency, a purpose that gave meaning to the word haste. On enquiry we found one of the climbers had collapsed showing symptoms of HAPE. His body was put inside a portable hyperbaric bag. His face was pale, lifeless, unresponsive.

I won’t lie his chances of making alive was very slim. I saw a man that was not going to make it. This has remained with me till date and there is nothing pretty in this recollection. When real life deathly incidence invade your dreams, they are indicator of doom or unresolved grief.

Do you dream of the mountains? Any dream you may recall? Please share in the comments section.

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4 thoughts on “Come dream on high of a Mountain

  1. I can’t recall of having dreamt of mountains. Not that I haven’t ever dreamt but certainly nothing in my memory at the moment. Good to see your post after such a long time, Vaibhav

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome pictures almost untethereal.. The mountains evoke so many emotions and you have captured the magic exquisitely… Look forward to more… And hope to share my mountain dreams

    Liked by 1 person

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